Thursday, November 20, 2008 is in Singapore

Tra-la-la on a Wednesday afternoon, took a sick leave.. *cough cough* Doctor told me not to go office and spread my germs around..

Err am i getting in trouble for saying all this aloud? Erm.. what if i coughed and spread my germs on the hardworking people of my company *XYZ*?

But instead i went to a workshop ...

Took a pic with Danny >.< He commented on my iPhone and how he didn't get one yet. Somebody from Apple quick send him one.. so he can make a review on his blog..

Went in and sit..

All this happened inside this building


Bill Hung said...

Danny Choo talked about how iPhone is everywhere in Japan, but not many people buying.

Geez, the iPhone is so much more behind compared to Japanese cell phones.

hikazew® said...

Hm iPhone is just a symbol to Apple enthusiasts. Personally I bought it because 2 of my devices are in it. And I want to 'buy' stuff that I contributed in it